They say, “Money is in the masses”. Someone outside of our infrastructure construction community would first obviously think of mass marketing or mass production, but for us, that means something entirely different.
Making money with those masses is easy in theory, you just need to know = You just need to control your mass balance effectively. What is hard is doing that in reality. 😀
That is why our team of champions, the Infrakit developers, wanted to rise up to the challenge -> To make a tool for volume calculation utilizing DEMs, Digital Elevation Models.
Get flashy with the DEMs
Sit on a coffee table with your supervisor. Your armpits sweat a little, you know it is that discussion again… money discussion. Your supervisor looks to the right, out of the window into the site and the question. “What about that pile over there… what do we have there…”.
Your face turns into a quirky smile. You know this is your time to shine. “Hey boss, why don’t you check that one from Infrakit yourself, you can always check from latest flight, even at your iPhone!”.
The boss taps you into your shoulders, “Wow, that was amazing, I must make you the CIO of our company with your superior digitalization skills!”.
Okay, maybe the online DEM Volume Calculation tool won’t make you the CIO of your company overnight… But it definitely makes you stand out when combined with all of the benefits of the Infrakit platform!
PS. Big Kudos to Wolff & Müller for helping us with this test data!
Researching the greatest secrets of brewing data
You people on the site have been rocking lately! The amount and quality of the coffee beans you have been pushing to Infrakit has been superb! Where do you even get those??
“What in the world is that blog writer again writing there in Infrakit…” you must be thinking. Coffee beans? Okay let me explain – by coffee beans I mean the data you feed into our systems. Now what we want to do as the coffee machine to that data is to: make all the best coffee types for you! Espresso, macchiato, marocchino, americano… from one machine.
We invested again a lot of time and passion in researching how to brew the best way possible to put a smile on your face. And now for the 3.9.2 version, we found out a lot of new methods!
To name a few, we found a way to improve the performance of preparing americano (DWG/DXF) a lot, enhanced the appearance of espresso (IFC) by a mile, and elaborated the level of details of macchiato mixture (3D collaboration model) greatly!
Using software must feel right
The promise of our software uniting all stakeholders around the same data brings also the responsibility of making using our software accessible for all. “It just feels right” is what we want you to say when using Infrakit.
How to make it happen? Paying attention to detail and being passionate about discussing with you on how to simplify things.
For this version we focused a lot on bringing these wishes of simplification into life, here is a couple of the greatest ones:
– We built you a way to use custom icons for external documents, to make things more visually simple
– We designed many pieces of Infrakit to be more responsive on different screen sizes, especially to help you to use Infrakit Files page on mobile devices
– We polished our mobile applications to have more intuitiveness in how to operate with the data.
– And we also now enable you to select photos to preview by area on the map page
Yet another successful version of Infrakit was released with yet another odd blog post about it…
Check more details on what is new in the 3.9.2 version from our release notes!
Jere Syrjälä
November 18th, 2024