Employee introduction: Jere Syrjälä Master Thesis Worker

Employee introduction: Jere Syrjälä Master Thesis Worker

Nice to see you here! I am Jere and I joined the Infrakit team at the beginning of the year. I will be doing my Master’s Thesis with Infrakit, to assess the impact of cloud service-based digitalization in the infrastructure construction industry’s sustainable development. Wow, did you drop by the wayside? Don’t worry, I can explain it to you in a more simplified manner.

In other words, my thesis work should provide you with more knowledge on how you could reach the sustainability objectives by applying Infrakit. If you are a representative of an infra-owner organization, you can showcase how your organization is pursuing sustainable development objectives with the help of digitalization. If you are a contractor, you can win more contracts by meeting the increasing sustainability demands of owners with the use of Infrakit. And if you have nothing to do with this, my thesis will still help you understand in a better way, how digitalization enables building new infrastructure, that is not shi*ting where your grandchildren are supposed to eat in the future, but rather providing them a better and more sustainable future.

After completing my thesis work, I will be a Master of Science from the University of Vaasa, majoring in Industrial Systems Analytics. My prior work history is related to hands-on business development in renewable solutions for the energy industry and building a gig-economy startup as an entrepreneur. So, a sustainable future has kinda always been at the center of my interest in building knowledge and learning consciously or sometimes even unconsciously.

I could describe myself as a multi-passioned builder persona, who practices calisthenics, listens to e-books and practices inventing new nicknames for my cat daily. I am super excited and honored to be here for you!

Damyanti Rathore
April 8, 2022

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Introducing Morten Westergård as Head of Services in Norway

Introducing Morten Westergård as Head of Services in Norway

Morten Westergård joined Infrakit in August as the Head of Services in Norway, he has now been with us for seven months. We interviewed him about his background and expectations for the future.

Can you tell us a bit about your background in the industry?

I have a Master of Science degree from The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. I have a background as a design and lead engineer in railway projects at the consultant side based in both Gothenburg and Oslo. I have had the opportunity to work with earthwork modelling of the high-speed railway line “East Link”, and the construction of the big railway tunnel called “The West Link” under Gothenburg. In Norway I have worked with ERTMS Civil Works for Bane NOR the last couple of years.

Why did you want to join Infrakit?

Joining Infrakit felt like a unique opportunity. To be able to join a technology company at this stage of the digitalisation of the infra construction industry is truly inspiring. Personally, it is motivating to work with the industry in another way than I did before. Being a technology provider like Infrakit makes you help both small and big contractors and owners in their daily business.

What are you looking forward to the most in the future?

It has been an intense and very inspiring start here at Infrakit. Providing expert services to our customers seems like an appreciated way of helping them implementing model-based construction. Response in the market has been good.

What do you enjoy doing on your free time?

I like orienteering, like a lot of our colleagues.

Damyanti Rathore
March 29, 2022

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New Infrakit version out

New Infrakit version out

We are delighted to release the Infrakit version 3.7.7 to all our customers. This version brings many features that many of our users wished for. New IFC parser, new controls on 3D viewer and many improvements to Saved views functions to name a few of the highlights.

IFC support for all common design suites

New IFC parser supporting large variation of 2×3 and 4x series of IFC standard from various design suites. Turn structures alive in collaboration view and be ready for new Infra domain extensions.

3D collaboration view usability improved

We have had a new 3D viewer available for a while but now we have reached maturity where we feel comfortable announcing it ready for all users. The beauty of the new 3D is the clever combination of GIS and BIM modes. Big projects can be observed on a large scale on a map and users can dive deep by zooming to details in Orbit mode. We have also applied the button layout from the Map page so all functions should be available for users feeling confident using the Map page.

New 3D offers brand new movement controls. Mouse controls are rebuilt completely, and we have also introduced fly mode with keyboard arrow keys or WASD keys – for convenience to both left-handed and right-handed users. Also try out the new jump to the station and feature: Choose alignment from bottom left corner, hit station number to the station box and press jump to station button. Now when cross section is activated you can press Space key or Shift + Space key to step on the sections. First measurement tool is also available for the cross section.

Saved views improvements

Saved views now offer the possibility to add free form annotation and description in the Map page too. You can link relevant documents and URLs to collect packages of information connected to a single view.

Full release notes here https://support.infrakit.com/help/infrakit-office-version-3-7-7

Damyanti Rathore
March 23, 2022

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Employee introduction: Amine Sijilmassi Head of Services Infrakit SARL

Employee introduction: Amine Sijilmassi Head of Services Infrakit SARL

My name is Amine and I joined Infrakit last fall, as head of services in France.

My story with Infrakit started with a coffee at Intergeo, 4 years ago. I discovered a great and innovative solution, but more than that, I discovered a great team with values. Persons that want to make a real change in the construction industry. These people are now my colleagues, and I am extremely happy to work daily with them.

I come from a land surveying background, with some experience with GNSS antennas and CAD software. During my career, I achieved different roles: Land Surveyor, Technical Support Engineer and CAD Training Manager. These experiences helped me to grow professionally and personally, and to know what I really want to do for the rest of my professional career; help customers. For me, the service, the support and the collaboration with customers are the key to success.

In the past few years, I haven’t seen many companies with such a high level of sensitivity to customer satisfaction and success. For Infrakit, top priority is the customer. These are not just words but facts, and here are some examples.

• In the Service Team of Infrakit, even if we work in different countries, we all work together for the benefit of our customers. We have a concept of “Global Services”
• Apart from technical support and trainings, the Services team is offering the expertise of our qualified professionals to help the customer during all the phases of the project
• Surveys to know customers feedback, which is transformed to an indicador/rate

Let’s work together to make infrastructure projects more efficient and sustainable. Our success is the success of our customers, and that’s one of the biggest motivations to keep doing what we do at Infrakit.

Pictured on the right Amine Sijilmassi with Infrakit SARL’s General Manager Sebastien Cailliau

Damyanti Rathore
March 10, 2022

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Xsite® product family now fully compatible with Infrakit

Xsite® product family now fully compatible with Infrakit

Since the beginning of Infrakit story, Xsite’s LANDNOVA software has been compatible with Infrakit cloud platform. The achievement now is that also rest of the Xsite product family communicates with Infrakit cloud. The Xsite Machine Control product family includes products such as Xsite PRO 3D with LANDNOVA X that provides user friendly approach to big projects with a lot of project data – The system recognizes different project data, such as water pipes, cables, wells, and road structures and displays the information to the operator in an easy-to-read, visual format. Xsite PRO 3D provides more versatile options for basic 3D use cases, like operator made models. Xsite PAD is a worksite tablet for jobsite foremen and surveyors.

Xsite Machine Control systems are available for excavators, dozers, loader, surface drills and piling rigs. Check availability through your local distributor here .

The story of the Xsite® Machine Control Systems goes hand in hand with the story Novatron, a Finnish earthmoving technology company, later accompanied by MOBA AG, a Germany based global actor on mobile machinery industry. These two family-owned companies are the founders of Xsite® – The brand making your day-to-day work easier, faster, and more productive.

Infrakit is an industry-disrupting digital platform to increase infrastructure construction productivity. We are driven by the goal of a sustainable infra industry – while offering 20% savings in total project costs. Our customers include the most advanced construction companies and infrastructure owners in the world. We have been helping our customers to digitalize their infra projects since 2010 – over 30 billion euros of infra-assets has been built with Infrakit in more than 2000 projects in 11 countries.

Damyanti Rathore
February 24, 2022

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