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by Jere Syrjälä

We serve you the secret for Michelin Star Menu: Infrakit release 3.9.1

Aug 26, 2024
6 min read

Right from the first step into the restaurant, you can feel it, you can smell it: The Menu of this season is crafted with incomparable attention to detail, making the whole experience feel rich and effortlessly smooth.

Now we know building infrastructure and managing projects certainly does not always feel like running a Michelin Restaurant, rather more like preparing those smashed potatoes with too little salt and some overcooked vegetables… But that does not mean, the recipe of everyday meals could not be enhanced with some senior chef’s guidance, to make it more manageable!

That is precisely why we wanted to polish the everyday recipe and toolset of using Infrakit, to pursue our long-lasting vision of being the best cloud platform for infra projects, which in its essence, will become a reality only by you, the everyday chef using Infrakit for cooking, enjoying the experience and getting stuff done without everything being such a pain in the…

But what does the menu look like, and what tools to use to make it? Should we have a look?

Starters: The Soup of Simplicity

Starters never have to be shiny, but what they need to do, is bring an appetite and show that the restaurant can handle its recipes, and carry its water so to speak.

For your restaurant, where we want to give you recipes and tools to become a Star Chef, we created some features to enhance the simplicity of use. These will not only make you sweat less when cooking with Infrakit but also appear like a consistent, always-delivering master of mystic arts.

Infrakit area tool update comes with snap-to-model and snap-to-right angles. It’s also possible to create a Truck area directly from the measure tool. Small, but effective.

3D visualization has a new context menu that introduces “show model breaklines” and the possibility to render more vector data files in 3D (Survey formats like GT). More is more.

Map capture and export function comes with new options, you can hide stuff from it and update your company logo there from the organization admin page, to make it look like yours.

LandXML deviation vector rendering on map and AIS stream support for maritime vessels, to keep all the tools for cooking near to your hand.

Main course: Faster than McDonald’s, better than your local steak house

Time is money. Quality over quantity. How on earth should your restaurant connect those worlds? 

Well to be honest, I am no chef to tell you that… But for infrastructure construction, there is a way!

Now quality and speed do not always need to compromise each other when some intelligent solutions are brought in place. With this version, we have paid extra attention to optimizing various bottlenecks of mega projects. This includes much faster cross-sections, file listings across the system, and faster access to project settings. You do not only have to bring high quality but you can also do it fast now!

Dessert: For all the admins out there – welcome Archive project function


A good restaurant experience tops always on the dessert, which leaves a sweet taste in the buds to make you smile all the way out of the front door. With Infrakit, what could be a better dessert for you to serve to the project, than letting everyone know everything is safe and sound, stored as an Archive project. 

As with everything else, see how to prep this nice desert for your project by archiving your project admin page. Access to the project is removed from all users and equipment easily. Everyone is happy, everyone is safe. What a nice menu it was from the start ‘til the end! 

Now recipes and tools are only for us to focus on the most key part of cooking -> Doing it. That will be the same for building, we can only help you, but you are the Michelin Chefs of our industry, so remember to be proud of that!

Without great restaurants, so many dates, family reunions, and celebrations would be lost.

Without great infrastructure, we would never even get to those restaurants on time safely. Without great infrastructure, there actually would not be much of a society even…

Thank you!

See more in release notes

Jere Syrjälä
August 26th, 2024

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