Images on Infrakit OFFICE™

Images on Infrakit OFFICE™

There are several uses for images taken at the project site. You can document the existing structures and area before work on the site starts and during the project you can document all work stages. When you are using the Infrakit FIELD™ app for Android or iOS you can easily take images at the site and upload them to your project with the relevant metadata like location information included in them.

You can view the images with a file explorer that allows you to download all the images for storage elsewhere. You can also view all the images on the map and by clicking on an image you get a preview of the picture and more information about this specific picture. It’s also possible to display it fullscreen or edit the information about that picture. Infrakit also support 360 images if you have the necessary equipment to produce them.

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Die Nationalstraße 4 soll rund 22 Wochen früher als geplant fertiggestellt werden

Die Nationalstraße 4 soll rund 22 Wochen früher als geplant fertiggestellt werden

Our customer Destia’s project National road 4 project started in 2018 and will be completed by 2023, the customer of the project is Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

National Road 4 is improved between Kirri, Jyväskylä and Vehniä, Laukaa. Between Kirri and Makkarajoki river, the road runs in a new terrain corridor and between Makkarajoki river and the Vehniä multilevel interchange the motorway is in the current terrain corridor.

National Road 4 is constructed as a 2+2 road with a central barrier. In addition to the motorway, a parallel road is constructed for the entire section. (

The work between Kirri and Tikkakoski has already crossed the halfway point. The biggest project of this summer is laying asphalt on different parts of the road. During the summer one third of this project has been completed.

According to project manager Jarmo Niskanen from the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency the construction of this road has gone well and progressed faster than planned. (Yle 19.7.2021.)

The road is set to open by 2023, but according to the project manager the road will be in use earlier.

“We are ahead of schedule, the new road will be open to traffic in June of 2022” Niskanen states.

According to Niskanen the contributing factors for this development have been great resources and contractors. One major reason has also been the modernization of design and construction.

Project plans have been created using 3D-models, which have been beneficial in furthering construction and following its development and execution according to plans even down to the millimetre.

“With model-based design we’ve saved about 22 weeks so around six months of loose ends have been cut which is also showing on the construction side as better efficiency” Niskanen says.

Read the original article from YLE here (in Finnish)

Damyanti Rathore
July 21, 2021

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Der Geschäftsbereich Geosystems von Hexagon und Infrakit Group Oy sind eine technische Kooperation eingegangen

Der Geschäftsbereich Geosystems von Hexagon und Infrakit Group Oy sind eine technische Kooperation eingegangen

Der Geschäftsbereich Geosystems von Hexagon und Infrakit Group Oy sind eine technische Kooperation eingegangen, um die Integration zwischen ihren Cloud-Plattformen, Feld- und Maschinensteuerungslösungen zu verbessern.

Die Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht Effizienzsteigerungen für innovative Bauunternehmen, die ihre Bauprozesse durch Digitalisierung verbessern wollen.
Diese neue Partnerschaft ermöglicht die direkte Interaktion zwischen der Infrakit-Cloud-Plattform und den Lösungen von Hexagon für den Schwermaschinenbau, zu denen auch die Produkte von Leica Geosystems wie das cloudbasierte Kollaborationstool Leica ConX, die Maschinensteuerungssoftware Leica MC1, die Feldsoftware Leica Captivate und die Bausoftware Leica iCON gehören.


Diese Kooperation schafft einen Mehrwert für Bauunternehmen, da sie eine unkomplizierte und einfach zu bedienende Integration von gemischten Flotten aus schweren Baumaschinen ermöglicht.

„Wir freuen uns sehr auf eine engere Zusammenarbeit mit Hexagon Geosystems, einem führenden Technologieanbieter von Sensoren, Software und autonomen Lösungen für die Bauindustrie. Unser Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern am Erfolg unserer Kunden und der Nachhaltigkeit unserer Branche zu arbeiten. Wir sehen den Weg in die Zukunft in einer offeneren Welt mit Integrationen zwischen allen Systemen und Tools, die vor Ort verwendet werden“, sagt Teemu Kivimäki, Gründer und CEO der Infrakit Group.

„Es ist ein großer Schritt, die Nutzung der richtigen Daten zu vereinfachen, Arbeitsabläufe zu verbessern und die Produktivität unserer Kunden bei kleinen und größeren Infrastrukturprojekten zu steigern, um gemeinsam eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu gestalten. Hexagon Geosystems freut sich sehr über die engere Zusammenarbeit mit Infrakit, um unseren gemeinsamen Kunden heute und in Zukunft einen besseren Service bieten zu können“, sagt Magnus Thibblin, Präsident des Geschäftsbereichs Maschinensteuerung von Hexagon Geosystems.

Über Infrakit
Infrakit ist ein Cloud-Dienst für Infrastruktur-Bauprojekte mit der Vision, eine nachhaltige Infra-Branche zu schaffen. Infrakit bietet eine revolutionäre Situationseinschätzung in Echtzeit und einen Datenfluss von und zur Baustelle, der von allen Projektpartnern wie Infrastrukturanbietern, Generalunternehmern und Subunternehmern – gemeinsam genutzt werden kann. Infrakit ist eine unabhängige Plattform, die alle Marken von CAD-Systemen, Vermessungsgeräten und Maschinensteuerungssystemen verbindet.

Über Hexagon
Hexagon ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Sensoren, Software und autonomen Lösungen. Wir nutzen Daten, um die Effizienz, Produktivität und Qualität von Anwendungen in den Bereichen Industrie, Produktion, Infrastruktur, Sicherheit und Mobilität zu verbessern. Unsere Technologien gestalten städtische und Produktionsökosysteme so, dass sie zunehmend vernetzt und autonom sind und so eine skalierbare, nachhaltige Zukunft ermöglichen.
Der Geschäftsbereich Geosystems von Hexagon bietet ein umfassendes Portfolio an digitalen Lösungen, die die physische Welt erfassen, messen und visualisieren und eine datengesteuerte Transformation in allen Ökosystemen der Branche ermöglichen.
Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) beschäftigt rund 21.000 Mitarbeiter in 50 Ländern und erzielt einen Nettoumsatz von rund 3,8 Mrd. Euro. Erfahren Sie mehr unter und folgen Sie uns @HexagonAB

Damyanti Rathore
July 13, 2021

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Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

As the winter is slowly coming to an end and the spring sun is shining through the unwashed windows, it is a new chapter for Infrakit HQ in Finland. At the beginning of this month, we moved to our brand new top floor office at Keilaniemi Espoo, Accountor Tower.

The building has 21 floors and is located near the border of Helsinki. The building was the tallest habitable building in Finland from its construction in 1976 until 2006, remaining still the highest office building to this day. The building has been the Fortum Head Office and Neste Tower in the past. From May 2018 it has been the headquarters of the Nordic financial software company Accountor. Infrakit headquarters is located at the top floor of the whole building, which was completely renovated for us.

Currently we are living with the covid-19 pandemic and all the remote work, but once the situation gets better, we are more than happy to invite our customers for a visit!
Although some say that remote work will be the new normal even in the future, I believe that meeting face-to-face – when possible – is better in forming connections and trust and for building that specific Infrakit spirit that we have in our company.

As we operate in nine different countries already it is an everyday normal with remote work, Teams-meetings etc. – with or without covid-19 – but I am also eager to invite our dear colleagues from around the world for a visit when the time comes. In the new office we also have some room to grow our Infrakit team.

Let’s stay positive about the future and hope to see our lovely customers and old and new employees live when possible!

Annika Helisvaara
March 29, 2021

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Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

As the winter is slowly coming to an end and the spring sun is shining through the unwashed windows, it is a new chapter for Infrakit HQ in Finland. At the beginning of this month, we moved to our brand new top floor office at Keilaniemi Espoo, Accountor Tower.

The building has 21 floors and is located near the border of Helsinki. The building was the tallest habitable building in Finland from its construction in 1976 until 2006, remaining still the highest office building to this day. The building has been the Fortum Head Office and Neste Tower in the past. From May 2018 it has been the headquarters of the Nordic financial software company Accountor. Infrakit headquarters is located at the top floor of the whole building, which was completely renovated for us.

Currently we are living with the covid-19 pandemic and all the remote work, but once the situation gets better, we are more than happy to invite our customers for a visit!
Although some say that remote work will be the new normal even in the future, I believe that meeting face-to-face – when possible – is better in forming connections and trust and for building that specific Infrakit spirit that we have in our company.

As we operate in nine different countries already it is an everyday normal with remote work, Teams-meetings etc. – with or without covid-19 – but I am also eager to invite our dear colleagues from around the world for a visit when the time comes. In the new office we also have some room to grow our Infrakit team.

Let’s stay positive about the future and hope to see our lovely customers and old and new employees live when possible!

Annika Helisvaara
March 29, 2021

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Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

As the winter is slowly coming to an end and the spring sun is shining through the unwashed windows, it is a new chapter for Infrakit HQ in Finland. At the beginning of this month, we moved to our brand new top floor office at Keilaniemi Espoo, Accountor Tower.

The building has 21 floors and is located near the border of Helsinki. The building was the tallest habitable building in Finland from its construction in 1976 until 2006, remaining still the highest office building to this day. The building has been the Fortum Head Office and Neste Tower in the past. From May 2018 it has been the headquarters of the Nordic financial software company Accountor. Infrakit headquarters is located at the top floor of the whole building, which was completely renovated for us.

Currently we are living with the covid-19 pandemic and all the remote work, but once the situation gets better, we are more than happy to invite our customers for a visit!
Although some say that remote work will be the new normal even in the future, I believe that meeting face-to-face – when possible – is better in forming connections and trust and for building that specific Infrakit spirit that we have in our company.

As we operate in nine different countries already it is an everyday normal with remote work, Teams-meetings etc. – with or without covid-19 – but I am also eager to invite our dear colleagues from around the world for a visit when the time comes. In the new office we also have some room to grow our Infrakit team.

Let’s stay positive about the future and hope to see our lovely customers and old and new employees live when possible!

Annika Helisvaara
March 29, 2021

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