Digital Infra Construction Webinar program published
Digital Infra Construction Webinar
15.4.2021, 9:00–12:00 CET
It is said that the construction industry will evolve more over the next 5 years than it has over the last 50. But what do the next 50 years look like? How will projects be delivered? Where will the demand come from? What will drive the change?
In this free to attend webinar, we will discuss the future of the infra construction industry in the form of customer stories and expert speeches. Register here.
Program (CET):
9.00 – 9.15
Opening words / Teemu Kivimäki, CEO, Infrakit
9.15 – 9.45
Railway construction sites with Infrakit / Katja Krag, BIM Reality Capture, Sersa Group AG (Switzerland)
9.45 – 10.15
The measure of all things / Ronald de Ronde, Sales Manager, Leica
– 15 minute break –
10.30 – 11.00
Infrakit Services / Ilkka Tieaho, VP of Services, Infrakit
11.00 – 11.30
The construction of E263 Tallinn – Tartu four-lane motorway (km 68,0 – 85,0) with Infrakit/
Tõnis Vään, 3D Business Area Manager, GRK Infra AS, Estonia
11.30- 12.00
Infrakit Roadmap 2021 and beyond / Visa Hokkanen, VP of Product, Infrakit
Linda Hakala
March 31, 2021