Peter Branzell rejoint Infrakit en tant que nouveau directeur des ventes pour la Suède

Peter Branzell rejoint Infrakit en tant que nouveau directeur des ventes pour la Suède

Salut !

Je m’appelle Peter Branzell et j’ai rejoint Infrakit AB en tant que directeur des ventes en Suède. Étant dans le BIM, l’exportation/importation, l’API ouverte et l’industrie de la collaboration depuis tant d’années, j’aiderai désormais les clients existants et nouveaux à augmenter leur productivité de projets d’infrastructure, à économiser de l’argent grâce à une meilleure planification et à réduire les erreurs en travaillant avec les solutions Infrakit.

Je travaille dans le domaine de la vente depuis plus de 25 ans, principalement dans le secteur AEC. J’ai une maîtrise en génie civil de l’Université de technologie Chalmers de Göteborg. Mes spécialités étaient la géotechnique, l’hydrologie, l’hydrogéologie et le traitement de l’eau depuis le ciel jusqu’à notre consommation.

En tant que directeur des ventes, j’ai travaillé la plupart du temps pour Trimble (anciennement Tekla) pendant près de 18 ans en tant que directeur des ventes. Je gérais la division B&C de Trimble dans les pays nordiques. Dirigé tous les aspects des ventes de la division bâtiment et construction (AEC). Identifié de nouveaux canaux de vente et établi de solides relations avec les clients. Élaboré des plans de vente à long et à court terme. Assuré une exposition maximale du produit lors d’expositions et de conventions.

J’ai effectué plus de 7 000 visites physiques de clients au cours des années et j’ai parcouru plus de 1 000 000 km (25 fois le tour du monde) en voiture, j’espère donc savoir conduire. Passé des centaines d’heures dans les airs sans apprendre à piloter.

Je me suis entraîné toute ma vie, autrefois au haut niveau et fait de la compétition en athlétisme et en triathlon, aujourd’hui je pratique des entraînements courts et intensifs plusieurs fois par semaine. J’aimerais pouvoir dire que je joue au golf, mais mes partenaires de golf diront que je suis un partenaire agréable, à défaut de dire que je devrais jouer au golf !

Damyanti Rathore
November 10, 2021

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Discover how Infrakit connects your entire infra project operations and drives value to every part of your business.

Le Highways UK approche à grands pas

Le Highways UK approche à grands pas

Cette année, le Highways UK se tiendra les 3 et 4 novembre à Birmingham, halls 9 et 10 du parc expo NEC. Et c’est en présentiel qu’Infrakit va y participer. Au cours de ces deux journées, nous vous proposerons diverses démos en direct sur notre stand D80. Vous en saurez très prochainement plus sur notre programmation et les thématiques abordées.

Inscrivez-vous à l’événement ici.

Damyanti Rathore
October 22, 2021

Book a Demo

Discover how Infrakit connects your entire infra project operations and drives value to every part of your business.

Infrakit holds all geospatial and design data of construction site.

Infrakit holds all geospatial and design data of construction site.

We have now published a video that shows Infrakit in action. By providing fast visual access to information Infrakit supercharges construction operations. Infrakit visualizes design data, geospatial information, and real-time drone data in one solution. This enables the project team and other stakeholders to share a collective understanding about progress and quality of site.

Real-time quality documentation is done at the site where the work happens. Photos, PDF reports and as-built measurements are provided by field devices. Vast amount of partner integrations enables interoperability to several workflows.

An excellent overview of progress and quality at the construction site is provided by as-built measurements. Our powerful collaboration model enables project parties like designers and contractors to solve design issues before work is carried out.

Damyanti Rathore
August 10, 2021

Book a Demo

Discover how Infrakit connects your entire infra project operations and drives value to every part of your business.

Intergeo 2021 experience

Intergeo 2021 experience

Intergeo 2021 Hybrid in Hannover has come to an end after three days of live and digital interaction. The atmosphere was buzzing with joy for the chance to interact face to face with customers and partners. For us this was the first event in almost two years.

Our stand design was completely redesigned by Wulff Entre and was well received by the crowd.

“This years Intergeo has excelled our expectations in many ways. First of all, it was a great opportunity to meet our customers face to face again after such a long time of digital meetings. We also acknowledged the huge interest in a digital infrastructure construction and digitization workflow that is helping the customers towards a sustainable and more efficient construction process. Our decision to bring product management and BIM field experts to this Intergeo has been very well received by the professional visitors and might be something to extend to other exhibitions as well.”

Nils Spannuth, Infrakit Deutschland GmbH

Our Services team’s live demos were a success at the event.

Day two of the expo started off with lively conversation with customers and partners.

Mikko Siivola our BIM Specialist and Customer Success Lead was at Intergeo for the first time with Infrakit. “I enjoyed meeting customers and partners live. The last time was a while ago. The atmosphere was great, and our stand was visited by professionals from several different infrastructure areas. It was great to see that we could have some input for all of them and for them to see the benefits Infrakit can provide them in their work.

The Sales – Services co-operation at the fair was also excellent. I did expect a bigger turnaround but the bright side to this is that there were fewer tourists and more relevant people at the event.

Overall, I’m left feeling quite positive about the experience. I was surprised by how many machine and software providers want to co-operate with us. I look forward to seeing how many of these come to fruition. Plus, we had a nice stand.”

Thank you to everyone who visited us at Intergeo this year and see you next year in Essen!

Damyanti Rathore
August 10, 2021

Book a Demo

Discover how Infrakit connects your entire infra project operations and drives value to every part of your business.

Meet us live at Intergeo 2021 in Hannover!

Meet us live at Intergeo 2021 in Hannover!

Infrakit will be participating live at this year’s Intergeo expo, which is held in Hannover, Germany this year. Come meet us at booth 23B.15 on September 21.-23.

Get a free ticket to the event with the code IG21-COMMUNITY here.

Book a meeting in advance with us by contacting Pasi Joensuu or Toni Lahtinen via email or phone.

Pasi Joensuu
Vice President of Business Development

Toni Lahtinen
Vice President of Sales

Damyanti Rathore
August 10, 2021

Book a Demo

Discover how Infrakit connects your entire infra project operations and drives value to every part of your business.