Three awesome highlights of the Infrakit 3.8.5 version, that will make your day!

Three awesome highlights of the Infrakit 3.8.5 version, that will make your day!  

Aaand welcome to the notorious release blog session of the month once again my dear fellow user!  


This is the place where we take our work uniforms off, grab a nice fresh ice cream cone from the close-up supermarket, and leave up the “strict” talk of business. Instead, let’s talk to fellow users, and enjoy the new features our superpowered R&D team has prepared for us!  


Though jumping into highlights of “the new stuff” could be cool, let’s spend a second considering “How is the summer until now going on so smoothly and nicely…?”. Well, though the weather has been great “at least here”, it is not a coincidence that everything feels smooth because we have spent more time than ever on improving features by fixing bugs in there! And now let me guide you to the highlights!!! 


Batch edit properties like a Flash! 

Not sure if there are a lot of superhero movie fans out there, but if you have even crossed some ads promoting the movie “The Flash” you surely know that guy is fast! 


And so is the editing of properties of photos! Instead of one by one opening the property and editing for photos, you can be the Flash of your organization to whom everyone asks, “How are you so fast with everything”. You don’t have to reveal your superpower of editing photo properties in batches or you can, either way, your speed will be undebatable! 



Enrich your mass haul freight reports with photos 

Remember when the e-scooter rental companies like Tier decided to add a photo-taking feature for showing how the e-scooter has been parked? For users that was kind of a small thing, though an easy one, but imagine how much help it provided for the ones who had to check how those e-scooters are parked? As an e-scooter company worker, your life just got so much better that day! 


And we did something like that for you! The Infrakit TRUCK app is an awesome and simple approach to controlling mass hauls and freight reports on your site, and now when being able to take pictures of your scale receipts and other additional documents of the trips, it will become so much more useful! And boy are they useful for supervisor when reviewing the trips and freight reports from Infrakit OFFICE! This feature will be brought to you in TRUCK app 2.2.0 version, behold! 


Check the way from the video below. 


Drastically improved design data support 

When using Infrakit as your Go-To tool for managing a project in construction, having all the design data nicely flowing in and getting visible correctly on the map is a day maker. It’s annoying and frustrating when a DWG file is missing objects, landXML Stringline models are messed up or the Tekla IFC models have their weird circus-like colors. Luckily, for this release, we got them in a much much better shape since we fixed over 30 issues on DWG, LandXML, and IFC parsing! 


Also, checking the brand new IFC 2D presentation and support of IFC 4×3 will show how much the design data support has enhanced! And finally, measurements in the map can now be edited as well, which ought to make your life a ton easier! 


With this video presenting all these awesome improvements, have a nice and awesome summer, hope you did not forget to eat your ice-cream you had alongside reading this 😀  

Check the more in-depth list of new features and improvements of this version from our Knowledge Base

Jere Syrjälä
July 24th, 2023

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Unveiling Infrakit 3.8.4: IFC Property Sets, Flexible As-Built Export, and Smooth Adding Of Properties!

Unveiling Infrakit OFFICE 3.8.4: IFC Property Sets, Flexible As-Built Exports, and Smooth Adding Of Properties!

Summer is officially here (even in the Nordic countries, here over 15 Celsius is equivalent to summer), and we all know what that means for infrastructure construction -> prime time to build!

In the summer months when the projects are operating at full steam, it is undeniably crucial to have all the supporting elements in place. As our stake in the construction of infrastructure is to provide you with our software to function as the project information management platform to support your project’s path to success, we cannot afford to be the weak link, but rather the source of strength.

To be the so-called “source of strength” for you, we are eager to showcase the improvements our R&D team has made for version 3.8.4, which we can confidently state making your everyday project life easier than ever! So, time to grab your beloved coffee (or tea) mug and have a 5-minute break watching our new highlights!


IFC Property sets are here!

01001100 01101111 01101111 01101011 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01111001 00100000 01110000 01100001 01101110 01110100 01110011 00100000 00111011 00101001

Imagine trying to read everything on the internet via binary code. Correct me if I am wrong, but I can’t believe anyone on the planet using any software if it was such! *Awkward silence* Well… Now we have truly taken a far-fetched bridge to justify why our IFC property sets improvement is awesome. This perhaps is the point where you consider why are you reading these blog posts…

But to be frank, I mean that just shows how important it is to have the information in a well-condensed and sorted format to be used! Does it matter that the IFC file has all the property information if it is burdensome to access that information? Now that IFC property sets in Infrakit are in a well-organized form, you can access the relevant information with ease and speed, such as volumes and sizes, or information for the installation crew! 

By the way, just look at how magnificently the Sobstad AS utilizes these! No need to be jealous, but come on, these guys know what they are doing! (Okay, a bit of jealousy is fine until you achieve their level 😉)

Looks at their project in Norway! Søbstad AS: Tanem-Tulluan

Flexible As-Built Export to fulfill the CDE 

Wait, did we just have the same headline on the 3.8.3 release blog? Nope! Last time it was about flexible as-built IMPORT, now it is time for praising flexible as-built EXPORT! The narrative has now beautifully come a full circle, as Infrakit construction CDE features regarding as-built data have wholesome flexibility.

The as-built data can be now exported in a format that directly suits your further use for example in data prep tools when more accurate deviation reports are needed or data is needed for creating mesh models for volume calculation use case.


File and photo properties on the go

Properties are an awesome thing to have for files and photos, that’s for sure. But we know it’s frustrating to add those after the uploading, cause it just could have been done already… Well, not anymore, because we made it now possible to add the properties while uploading! Now that saves a minute or two a day, workdays in the long run!

Check the more in-depth list of new features and improvements of this version from our Knowledge Base

Jere Syrjälä
May 31st, 2023

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Welcome the new Infrakit version with configurable as-built imports!

Welcome the new Infrakit version with configurable as-built imports! 

Have you noticed these release blogs are appearing more often… Hats off to our R&D team! Even more impressive is that regardless of the speedy release intervals, our developers have still carried out remarkable new features and improvements for you in the new version once again. I bet you agree, it is a good to give a moment of appreciation to where it belongs, but who less often gets the credit! *Clapping hands together* Without further ado, let us have a quick glance on what are the highlights in Infrakit 3.8.3!   

Configured as-builts in the heart of the Construction CDE 

Commonly in construction projects, there can be tens or hundreds of data sources for as-built measurements. From machine operators on their grade control systems, surveyors measuring with RTK GNSS and total stations, foremen and supervisors with their grade checking tools to name a few… the amount of data sources and its distributed fashion across many sub-contractors may be overwhelming for quality engineers trying to aggregate the big picture. Not to mention how important this data is for quality assurance of the project and conducting handover to owner. 

That is precisely why we focused on developing our as-built importing function, to support configurable import where you can drop your local ASCII data sets from any imaginable shape. This way, you can collect all as-built data into Infrakit, having it as a single source of truth. The collecting process of as-built data made seamless!

Check out how to use it via the video!


Seamlessly enjoyable photo preview in the map page

Isn’t it just lovely when something functions so smoothly, it feels connected to your mind… Well, the photo integration on our map page is approaching that state certainly. Floating and movable photo preview, edit button in the palm of your hand, interactive map when changing the photo -> The map centers right where the photo location is! 

Milk cartons with caps, screen unlocking with facial recognition, Infrakit map with interactive photo previews… These kinds of “minor-looking” improvements are often underrated, as they at the first glance do not seem important, but you will find them soon enough making your life so much easier, one improvement at a time!  

3D BIM viewer improvements… again!

3D improvements again?? Déjà vu... Did we forget to edit this chapter from the last couple of release blogs? No, we did not! We just improved the 3D view so much once again, that it must be highlighted, as you can now filter as-builts in the view just as in the 2D. Also, you can check surface elevations and coordinates from the 3D models, so no need to run to 2D side anymore for that either.  

Thought buzzing around 3D BIM Viewer improvements, it is worth mentioning that we also improved viewing of 2D models drastically, especially IFC’s, so check them as well!


 Check the more in-depth list of new features and improvements of this version from our Knowledge Base

Jere Syrjälä
April 25th, 2023

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Destias Marja-Terttu Sikiö: miljøspørsmål og bærekraft blir stadig viktigere temaer i planleggingen av infrastrukturprosjekter

Destias Marja-Terttu Sikiö: miljøspørsmål og bærekraft blir stadig viktigere temaer i planleggingen av infrastrukturprosjekter

Infrastruktur-sektoren er en av de mest forurensende næringene i verden. De fleste utslippene skjer etter idriftsettelse, men utbyggingen i seg selv har også en innvirkning på miljøet.

Uansett hva næring man er i så blir miljøspørsmål og bærekraftsmål stadig viktigere temaer i ordskiftet, og listen blir lagt høyt. I infrastruktur betyr det å oppnå disse målene og kutte i utslipp at nye teknologier og materialer må utforskes, og at hvordan ting gjøres må til en viss grad endres. Digitalisering kommer til å bidra, forventes det, med å minske miljøpåvirkningen av utbygging. Finland har et sterkt utgangspunkt for dette, siden mye arbeid har blitt lagt ned i digitalisering av infrastruktur over de siste 10 årene.

For å oppnå bærekraft i infrastrukturbygging må vi ta i bruk et helhetlig perspektiv. Destia, som et eksempel, har en lang tradisjon med å passe på sosial bærekraft, inkludert sikkerhet på jobben og trivsel blant de ansatte. Men, bærekraft blir stadig et mer aktuelt tema på tvers av sektoren, og det snakkes stadig mer om utslipp og miljøavtrykket som en helhet.

Vi intervjuet Destias Marja-Terttu Sikiö for å se hvordan hun ser samtalen rundt temaet og hva som kan gjøres for å fremme endring.

Hvordan ser du på dagens situasjon i byggesektoren?

Jeg ser på det som noe veldig positivt i den forstand at miljøspørsmål og bærekraft, som klimaarbeid, i større grad blir kartlagt i prosjekter, inkludert i kommunale utbyggingsprosjekter. For Destia så har sosiale bærekraftspørsmål, som arbeidssikkerhet og ansattes trivsel, vært viktige temaer i lang tid.

Ser du noe i dagens situasjonen som enten hindrer eller stopper fremskritt?

Jeg tror at det største hinderet er mangel på kunnskap og dristig utprøving på et praktisk nivå. Selvsagt, når det kommer til store prosjekter og strukturer planlagt over lange tidsperspektiv så er vi nødt til å utøve litt forsiktighet. For at fremskritt skal skje i sektoren trengs flere eksempler på vellykkede prosjekter, samt utfordringer på områder der det er rom for forbedringer. Vi trenger også flere selskaper, kommuner, og mennesker som er villige til å omfavne forandringer og ta jobben som banebrytere.

Hvordan tror du situasjonen vil utvikle seg i fremtiden?

Jeg tror det vil bli et enda større utvalg av krav og perspektiver på hva bærekraft er som må tas i betraktning i nye prosjekter. Nye metoder vil først bli introdusert i store nytenkende prosjekt, som for eksempel allianseprosjekter. De gir en god mulighet til å gjøre ting på en ny måte, med tett samarbeid mellom de ulike aktørene. Beste praksis vil da spre seg til andre prosjekter som et resultat av pionerenes suksess.

Hva tror du er nøkkelfaktorene for å få til endring og kontrollere utslippene?

Nøkkelen er å utvikle og ta i bruk egenskaper, kompetanse og nye måter å gjøre ting på gjennom pilotprosjekter. Videre, gjennom digitalisering, har vi potensial til å utvide kunnskapsbasen betydelig. Med tanke på transportutslipp så skjer det meste av utslippene fra transportinfrastruktur under bruk. Dette gjelder også for bybane-prosjekter. Disse utslippene vil bli redusert ved fremskritt innen kjøretøyteknologi og metoder for elektrisitetsproduksjon.

Bortsett fra driftsfasen, kommer størstedelen av utslippene fra noen få materialer, som stål, betong og asfalt. Disse utslippene kan reduseres ved å bruke resirkulerte råvarer. Valg av anleggsmaskiner og transportutstyr har også betydning. Mer integrering av datainnsamling på tvers av hele produksjonskjeden og bruk av disse dataene for planlegging og gjennomføring av utslippsreduksjoner er fortsatt nødvendig på byggeplasser.


Marja-Terttu Sikiö har jobbet for Destias design- og eksperttjenester i 14 år. For tiden jobber hun som prosjekt- og teamleder i avdelingen for miljøforvalting.


Destia er Finlands største operatør innen infrastruktursektoren og er en del av den internasjonale Colas-gruppen. Selskapet designer, bygger og vedlikeholder infrastruktur som er nødvendig for et velfungerende samfunn. Dette inkluderer strømnett, broer, veier og jernbaner. Destia forbedrer byer ved å utvikle telematikk- og belysningsløsninger, og ved å tilby et bredt spekter av tjenester for administrasjon av transport- og infrastrukturaktiva.

Jere Syrjälä
March 21, 2023


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Master Infrakit OFFICE and Mobile browser version with our comprehensive manual

Master Infrakit OFFICE and Mobile browser version with our comprehensive manual

We’re excited to announce that, as requested by our loyal users, we’ve published a comprehensive manual for Infrakit OFFICE and Mobile browser version! These resources have been designed to help you get the most out of your Infrakit experience, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned user. With this manual, you can learn everything there is to know about our platform, from logging in to utilizing the more advanced features. Let’s dive into what you can expect from the manual.

Getting started: logging in and settings

Infrakit is all about ease of use, and our manual reflects that. The first sections of the manual walks you through the simple process of logging in and adjusting your settings. This ensures that you can start using Infrakit as quickly as possible, tailoring the platform to your specific needs.

Exploring functions and features

The manual is organized by topic, making it easy to find the information you’re looking for. It delves into the functions and features of various pages and tabs within the Infrakit platform, helping you navigate the interface with confidence. You’ll learn how to control models, documents, and photos, as well as how to work with as-builts, equipment, and section views.

Saved views: a powerful tool

One particularly useful feature that the manual covers is the concept of saved views. This powerful tool allows you to store customized views of your project data, enabling you to quickly access the information that’s most relevant to you. The manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to create, manage, and share these saved views, streamlining your workflow and making collaboration a breeze.

Boost your productivity with Infrakit

Infrakit is designed to help you work faster and more productively, no matter your role in the infrastructure construction project. Our platform opens up new avenues for collaboration, ensuring that everyone on your team is on the same page. With our comprehensive manual, you’ll be able to make the most of Infrakit’s features and become a true champion of modern infra construction.

Training opportunities and support

While our manual is a fantastic starting point, we understand that you may still have questions or require additional training. Our team is here to help! For further information and training opportunities, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


Infrakit’s new manual for OFFICE and Mobile browser version is designed to help you maximize your use of our platform, whether you’re a new user or an experienced pro. By familiarizing yourself with the features and functions outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert in modern infrastructure construction. So, give yourself that extra boost and get started today!

Please note that this manual is subject to regular updates, as we continuously improve and expand Infrakit’s features. Be sure to keep an eye out for the latest edition to stay up-to-date with all that our platform has to offer.

Manual is available on our Knowledge Base »  

For further information and training opportunities, please contact our support team at


Anssi Johansson
March 15, 2023


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The New Infrakit version brings more CDE features and enhanced 3D experience!

The New Infrakit version brings more CDE features and an enhanced 3D experience! 

Release blog posts may not be the most popular ones we’ve got, but we could argue that they are high value providing hidden gems for those that do open these. Seems that you are one of those pioneers, and forerunners of the industry, so congratulate yourself on being on the tip of the iceberg, by educating yourself to be the ”digitalization champion” who rides the tide!  

For release 3.8.2 of Infrakit OFFICE, we focused on making features that help manage all project documents in Infrakit, not only the ones you would visualize on the map. Together with that, we have enhanced the 3D BIM viewing. In other words, these features enable you to work faster,  collaborate better, and be the star of your project! 


Optimize your data management with new CDE features

It’s no big secret that data management is the key to successful projects. This time we focused to enhance our CDE features by adding you an opportunity to set and manage properties for your files. 

Was it either file categories of Design Disciplines, Model maturities, or phases of the project, property management saves you a ton of time. Add your custom property as a number, text value, or in a list of options. 

Check how to use it from the video below! 


Simplify your mountain of information 

Infraprojects tend to have quite an overwhelming amount of files… Thus, filtering and sorting out the ones you don’t need in the UI brings simplicity.  

To enable this step by step, we developed another CDE feature, which enables you to make any file or folder dispappear from the visualization apps.  As an example, you can use the Infrakit as single source of truth platform for all the project files. Store and manage the revisioning of the native drawings that are not meant for map projection. With this feature those files are not bugging the users of the Map page. 

We also introduced handy left-click menus on web UI, make sure you don’t miss that one! 

The video below once again will show you a quick and easy way of using this feature! 

Become a superior collaborator with enhanced 3D’s and point clouds 


Wouldn’t you want to be the champion, who makes everyone in project-wide collaboration feel happy and safe? Yea, that is precisely why (once again), we used a ton of focus on making Infrakit help you to be the champion. 

Infrakit’s high-power 3D engine can smoothly render your map and 3D data in one view on any modern hardware (yeah, that’s including phones and tablets). The 3D view now also enables you to see the station numbers of alignments, enabling finding the right spot on the project even handier. On top of these, the new version enables you to select multiple point clouds to be visualized at the same time!  

These features not only make the designs and visualizations of the site look good but you as well! 


Check the more in-depth list of new features and improvements of this version from our Knowledge Base

Jere Syrjälä
March 13th, 2023

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