New Infrakit Truck Application

New Infrakit Truck Application

Mobile phones and the whole industry around them is moving at an incredible pace. A year in mobile world is a lifetime in ours if you look at the innovations and new technologies that are constantly changing. Here at Infrakit we know that we must keep up with the change in order to provide our customers with best possible experience.

With this in mind, we’ve developed a new version of our trucks application. The new version increases reliability, efficiency and decreases power consumption. New trucks application was built from the ground up with better architecture and with the latest Android development technologies. We’ve kept the same functionality and provided users with similar interface so the transition from old to the new version will be as seamless as possible. We have future plans to make new features and the new architecture allows us to make these changes faster and improve reliability even more! One more reason for building the new application is that it will work even better on newer devices and on newer versions of Android OS.

We want to improve our application even more, so if you’re interested in being one of the first users to try out our new and improved application, we wholeheartedly invite you to join us in this journey!

For more details and how to download the new truck application, please contact your local Infrakit provider.

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Finally at Bauma!

Finally at Bauma!

We as Infrakit are excited to have been able to accept a slot at Bauma 2019! It is the first time we will have our own stand (No 419) in hall A2.

It was on very late notice that we’ve got an offer and I have no idea how the program manager has done this, but we are thankful that we have the opportunity to present our great Open BIM Cloud for infra construction industry. In only less than 4 weeks Bauma 2019 will open its gates! Feel free to pay us a visit.

Our stand will get about this look and is 23sqm:

Very often infra projects are lacking easily accessible information at the right time and the right place. Infrakit gives companies and project owners the possibility to reach the needed information any time any place. When we talk about BIM, the I in BIM is extremely important to avoid mistakes and redo of work at high costs. When construction site workers and equipment have all the necessary information available when needed unnecessary costs will be avoided and time schedules can be made as planned. So, no penalties there.

Last but not least: Infrakit is working with partners like Trimble, Leica, Topcon, Moba/Novatron and others! So, we are brand independent, which means you can have all your information in one application! No longer searching for information, which saves you again a lot of time!

Come and visit us at our booth in hall A2.419!

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Sandviks’s SanRemo and Infrakit introduce connectivity

Sandviks’s SanRemo and Infrakit introduce connectivity

“We responded to requests from customers and took a major step towards increasingly digitalized, transparent and more productive worksite systems for infrastructure construction”, says Tuomo Pirinen, Application Expertise Manager with Surface Drilling and Exploration Division at Sandvik Mining and Roch Technology. “The new solution creates a link between our OEM fleet management and 3rd party mixed-fleet cloud systems, to systems that companies already use, to reduce unnecessary complexity. Sandvik is excited to be the first equipment OEM to offer this interoperability with Infrakit Cloud.”

The new solution creates a flow of communciation between Sandvik drillling equipment, the SanRemo information management system and Infrakit Cloud. Thanks to this new solution, data only needs to be uploaded once from the rig, after which is is automatically shared into the Infrakit. A major benefit is also the ability to share the project data with all parties: design engineers, drill planners, drill operators, production managers, client’s supervisors, etc. Everyone can also easily access the information they need on-site, eliminating the use of USB drives and issues with multiple file versions. All the necessary data is available in the cloud, everywhere and at all times. The cloud storage also serves as a permanent archive for any future use.

”Infrakit is happy to add Sandvik drill rigs to the list of machines that communicate directly with the Infrakit cloud. To best serve construction companies, our target is to include all construction machinery, tools and personnel in the site data flow and this is one more step towards that goal,” says CEO Teemu Kivimäki, Infrakit/DCS Finland Oy.

Read Sandvik’s press release from here

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Infrakit expands in Europe and opens new offices in Paris and Stockholm

Infrakit expands in Europe and opens new offices in Paris and Stockholm


Photo by Martin Björk

The subsidiaries have been established to promote local sales and enable good customer service and support. In addition to existing Finnish, Norwegian and Dutch offices, there are now offices in Paris and Stockholm.
The Paris office address is 30 Rue Godot de Mauroy, 75009 Paris, France. Sebastien Cailliau has been appointed Country Manager for France. He worked before at Infrakit as a Customer Success Manager in Helsinki office.

“Finland has led in recent years the model-based infra construction, and I am proud to be able to take this Finnish know-how to France. The Infrakit cloud service helps French companies and users to digitalize their work-site and benefit from this new technology and working method”, Sebastian Cailliau commented.

In Sweden, Infrakit has been around for a few years and has been used by, for example, Svevia AB in a project in Tyresö municipality. Peter Westerman has been appointed Country Manager for Sweden: ”Now we have our own organization in Stockholm, with my main responsibilities in support and sales. It is a new role for me after many years of working with surveying technology and machine control, a great and inspiring challenge. Also happy to be part of a team with colleagues in Scandinavia and different countries in the world. ”
Infrakit Sweden is located in Karlbergsvägen 13 11327 Stockholm.

More information:
Sebastien Cailliau, General Manager France, tel. 07 67 51 42 45,
Peter Westerman, General Manager Sweden, tel. +46 70 5822 633
Pasi Joensuu, Sales Vice President (English), tel. +358 44 768 4424,

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Keep up with development in the infra construction industry. Before you know a decade has past by.

Keep up with development in the infra construction industry. Before you know a decade has past by.

It was about ten years ago I stopped working in the Infra-construction industry. With many years of experience from the surveying and machine control manufacturers perspective I always thought that the steps towards the future, taken in ‘our’ industry, would not be that big. You can imagine my surprise when I came back to the industry just last year and fell right back into a market that has changed dramatically over the past decade.

First and foremost I must say that I’m probably one of the luckiest people on the planet to be able to start working for an organisation that actually took Infra construction to a whole new level. Where we used to work with numerous dedicated, separated and complicated data formats and software products in the past, Infrakit actually seemed to do it all within one framework.

Now that I’ve been working in the industry again for about six months it becomes apparent that the entire work field has changed, in a positive sense that is. More and more people are talking about integration, single point of truth, efficiency improvement and InfraBIM, terms that had little to no depth to them in the past. Now however it’s the actual way the business works!

In my meetings with customers it becomes clearer and clearer that every single infra construction companies develop their own strategy on dealing with data, dealing with documentation, reporting, using extensive ERP systems to automate processes that had been manual in ‘my time’. I’m really impressed, and moreover because Infrakit is, in many situations, an actual very important part in that process, in that strategy. It makes me smile every single time.

So, next to being part of that team, working close together with all my colleagues in the many countries, it made me think about the following ten years. So, if I would stop working in this industry and come back in 2029, what would have changed, what next steps would the industry have taken to be even more efficient, more productive. Well, going from my own experience now I know that Infrakit will be a major player in that field, not necessarily connecting people to machines or vice versa but I’m convinced that it will become more and more a ‘machine to machine’ environment, an environment that relies on IOT where people change their responsibilities from operator to remote operator or even supervisor of machines.

Automation on the factory floor hasn’t necessarily changed the number of people involved in the process, it has merely changed their responsibility and I expect to see the same changes in our field of work, the ever-beautiful field of Infra Construction. So I would like to call on all of you to keep track of the development of our market, before we know it it’s going to be 2029!

I can hardly wait!

Tiny Nuiten

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User Group Folder Rights Added to Infrakit

User Group Folder Rights Added to Infrakit

It is now possible to create user groups for the project. First, create a user group or groups in the Project Settings, and then add the user rights you want to each group (for example, a group Subcontractor A with 10 members added). Then, on the Files tab, you mark the folder for which user groups the folder is displayed. If you do not specify user groups, they will appear as before, for every user.
For example, confidential documents can be stored in Infrakit without public access to all project members. You do not need to use parallel Infrakit projects or other tools to encrypt a part of data. All data can be stored in Infrakit with help of user group constraints as needed.
User groups can only be created by the project administrator.
Folders can also be assigned separate read and write permissions for different user groups.

Creating a group: from the main menu Project settings, and Groups are displayed at the top

You may restrict access to the folder:

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