Promotion of Adriatic Almanac for Civil Construction

Promotion of Adriatic Almanac for Civil Construction

Infrakit participated in promotion of regional Almanac for year 2015/2016.

The Almanac – PUT plus – is becoming popular in ex-Yugoslavian markets, because it is one of its kind. It is good mix of academic, professional and commercial texts. Structure of the almanac is a combination of a magazine and a catalogue. Introduced in this issue are some of the biggest companies from the civil engineering sector in the region.

Infrakit introduced itself with article spread over three full pages. Concerning a small initiative about new technologies in Balkan civil construct sector, we consider that it was important to participate in the almanac, too. We explained the benefits of Infrakit application as a part of BIM platform, and passed knowledge about advantages of 3D guidance machine control systems and how Infrakit helps out every participant in construction process.

Event took place on 24th of July in Park Hotel in downtown Belgrade. We had a chance to meet all the event participants, consisted mostly from the representatives of the companies introduced in the almanac. We made contacts, gave out our promotional material and arranged further meetings with some of them. All in all, my impression is that guests also wanted to get to know each other since there is no big regional association gathering for civil engineering market, promotion was a good event for networking and we made valuable contacts there.

Although almanac has about 300 pages, it is easy to browse through and interesting to read. About 60 regional companies from civil construction sector took part in this second issue of the almanac, some with advertisements, and some with academic columns. The number of road and railroad construction companies is significantly higher in this issue than before. Almanac is very welcomed as a way to make up lack of communication and big events from the field in the region.

You can read the PUT Plus article here (in Serbian): PUT Plus – Infrakit

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INTERMAT Paris 2015 Exhibition

INTERMAT Paris 2015 Exhibition

This April Teemu and I visited the Intermat Exhibition in Paris for 2 days. Our main goal was to talk with the major manufacturers for machine control systems and to see what kind of possibilities there are in the European market for Infrakit. It was interesting to see that there were not many software-related companies exhibiting at this fair, I would have expected otherwise as digitalization is such a huge trend nowadays.

We were able to talk with all companies that are active in the machine control business and very good talks they were indeed. All of those parties agreed with the fact that open communication will be demanded by customers in the near future. Openness and interest to companies like Infrakit will be a topic for the upcoming years. Some admitted that this is already necessary right now.

Another issue we noticed was that the machine manufacturers are now offering more and more machine control systems that are build-in from the factory. They see the growing demand for this and build-in from factory has many advantages. Especially cables are much better protected than when the systems are installed after delivery or on existing machines. This gives the customer a more reliable system as a whole.

From the conversations with these manufacturers we found out that they also see there’s a good market for open communication – as with Infrakit. At the same time it is necessary for them to make a well-thought choice of brand. Most of them have already made such a choice, which results in the fact that they have chosen between either Trimble, TopCon or Leica.

Furthermore we had contact with several companies supplying software or service for infra design. These companies are very interesting as to see what kind of cooperation we might have with them in the future.

All in all it was a successful exhibition for us and for Infrakit’s future in the international markets. Can’t wait to see what the next Intermat event has to offer.

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Images on Infrakit OFFICE™

Images on Infrakit OFFICE™

There are several uses for images taken at the project site. You can document the existing structures and area before work on the site starts and during the project you can document all work stages. When you are using the Infrakit FIELD™ app for Android or iOS you can easily take images at the site and upload them to your project with the relevant metadata like location information included in them.

You can view the images with a file explorer that allows you to download all the images for storage elsewhere. You can also view all the images on the map and by clicking on an image you get a preview of the picture and more information about this specific picture. It’s also possible to display it fullscreen or edit the information about that picture. Infrakit also support 360 images if you have the necessary equipment to produce them.

Download Infrakit FIELD™ Lite on Apple App Store »

Download Infrakit FIELD™ for Android devices on Google Play store »

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Riksväg 4 antas bli klar 22 veckor i förtid

Riksväg 4 antas bli klar 22 veckor i förtid

Vår kund Destias projekt Riksväg 4 inleddes 2018 och kommer att slutföras 2023, projektets kund är finska Trafikledsverket.

National Road 4 is improved between Kirri, Jyväskylä and Vehniä, Laukaa. Mellan Kirren och floden Makkarajoki går vägen i en ny terrängkorridor, och mellan floden Makkarajoki och Vehniäs trafikplats ligger motorvägen i den nuvarande terrängkorridoren.

Riksväg 4 byggs som en 2+2-väg med en mittbarriär. Förutom motorvägen byggs en parallell väg för hela sektionen. ( på engelska)

Arbetet mellan Kirren och Tikkakoski har redan kommit halvvägs. Det största projektet för den här sommaren blir att belägga delar av vägen med asfalt. Under sommaren har en tredjedel av detta projekt slutförts.

Enligt projektledare Jarmo Niskanen från finska Trafikledsverket har byggnadsarbetet med vägen gått väl och framskridit snabbare än planerat. (Yle 19.7.2021. på finska)

Vägen skulle vara klar att öppnas 2023, men enligt projektledaren kan vägen tas i bruk tidigare.

“Vi ligger före tidtabellen, den nya vägen kommer att vara öppen för trafik i juni 2022”, säger Niskanen.

Enligt Niskanen har de bidragande faktorerna för denna utveckling varit utmärkta resurser och entreprenörer. En viktig orsak har också varit moderniseringen av formgivning och konstruktion.

Projektplaner har skapats med hjälp av 3D-modeller, vilket varit fördelaktigt i att främja konstruktionen och i att följa dess utveckling och genomförande i enlighet med planer ända ner till millimeternivå.

“Med modellbaserad formgivning har vi sparat ungefär 22 veckor, så ungefär sex månader av lösa ändar har kapats, vilket också syns som bättre effektivitet på konstruktionssidan”, säger Niskanen.

Läs originalartikeln från YLE här (på finska)

Damyanti Rathore
July 21, 2021

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Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

As the winter is slowly coming to an end and the spring sun is shining through the unwashed windows, it is a new chapter for Infrakit HQ in Finland. At the beginning of this month, we moved to our brand new top floor office at Keilaniemi Espoo, Accountor Tower.

The building has 21 floors and is located near the border of Helsinki. The building was the tallest habitable building in Finland from its construction in 1976 until 2006, remaining still the highest office building to this day. The building has been the Fortum Head Office and Neste Tower in the past. From May 2018 it has been the headquarters of the Nordic financial software company Accountor. Infrakit headquarters is located at the top floor of the whole building, which was completely renovated for us.

Currently we are living with the covid-19 pandemic and all the remote work, but once the situation gets better, we are more than happy to invite our customers for a visit!
Although some say that remote work will be the new normal even in the future, I believe that meeting face-to-face – when possible – is better in forming connections and trust and for building that specific Infrakit spirit that we have in our company.

As we operate in nine different countries already it is an everyday normal with remote work, Teams-meetings etc. – with or without covid-19 – but I am also eager to invite our dear colleagues from around the world for a visit when the time comes. In the new office we also have some room to grow our Infrakit team.

Let’s stay positive about the future and hope to see our lovely customers and old and new employees live when possible!

Annika Helisvaara
March 29, 2021

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Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

Infrakit Is Growing – New Location for Our Headquarters at Accountor Tower Keilaniemi

As the winter is slowly coming to an end and the spring sun is shining through the unwashed windows, it is a new chapter for Infrakit HQ in Finland. At the beginning of this month, we moved to our brand new top floor office at Keilaniemi Espoo, Accountor Tower.

The building has 21 floors and is located near the border of Helsinki. The building was the tallest habitable building in Finland from its construction in 1976 until 2006, remaining still the highest office building to this day. The building has been the Fortum Head Office and Neste Tower in the past. From May 2018 it has been the headquarters of the Nordic financial software company Accountor. Infrakit headquarters is located at the top floor of the whole building, which was completely renovated for us.

Currently we are living with the covid-19 pandemic and all the remote work, but once the situation gets better, we are more than happy to invite our customers for a visit!
Although some say that remote work will be the new normal even in the future, I believe that meeting face-to-face – when possible – is better in forming connections and trust and for building that specific Infrakit spirit that we have in our company.

As we operate in nine different countries already it is an everyday normal with remote work, Teams-meetings etc. – with or without covid-19 – but I am also eager to invite our dear colleagues from around the world for a visit when the time comes. In the new office we also have some room to grow our Infrakit team.

Let’s stay positive about the future and hope to see our lovely customers and old and new employees live when possible!

Annika Helisvaara
March 29, 2021

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