Meet the Serbian team!

Meet the team:
Our manpower in Belgrade peaked with maximum count of five members in early-2016, while it’s currently stable with three coders.

Ognjen Popović – Regional Manager Eastern Europe

I had a chance to do business with Mr. Teemu Kivimäki prior to Infrakit, and I am happy that I had the opportunity to join the Infrakit endeavour after Teemu put it on the right track. My job consists of doing everything related to the Belgrade office, from handling the office space, setting up hardware and software, recruiting and basically both PR and HR which were moderately needed so far.

I’ve been coding using several technologies, incl. development of embedded software that resides on the construction site vehicles, got into CAD and CG design and the work I am probably most proud of is development of the mathematical formulas for transitioning curves we are displaying in our software. Prof. Srđan Vukmirović from Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade was kind enough to help me with the math problems, which later led me to achieve my master thesis.


Predrag Kerčov – Software Developer

First task Predrag got was to improve worksite mass calculations. He is mostly doing what is called back-end or server coding.

Predrag is now also involved in Android development, currently improving the Truck Tracking and Infrakit applications, but still working on the web application when needed.


Nikola – Front-End Developer, Designer

Nikola is master coder (both in academic degree and skill-set) and a designer. His front-end coding skills resulted in the Infrakit web application and Infrakit website implementation, both visually and in the code under the hood. Lately he has also been working on back-end.

From time to time he is working together with Pipsa (Marketing), when there is a need for any kind of graphic design: brochures, ads – online and offline.


At the plateau near the office

We are all occasionally in direct communication with Infrakit clients over Internet calls adapting our solutions according to their feedback. More or less, all of us had or will have chance to travel and visit worksites and take a look of Infrakit use in real working conditions.

Read the previous post about what we have been doing more in detail from here.

New Infrakit map page – Infrakit version 3.2.0 live!

New Infrakit map page – Infrakit version 3.2.0 live!

Last night (20.3.), Infrakit was updated to version 3.2.0.

In this update, we have completely reworked the main map page based on your feedback. Old map page is still available if you need it, but we are confident that the new and improved page will be a lot more versatile and easy to use for your needs. New features include, for example, improved management of photos and as-built points directly on the map page, among numerous others. Also some bug fixes and other features were done. You can find the complete list of changes below.

New map page

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us or your local Infrakit reseller!

Best regards,
Teemu Kivimäki
Founder and CEO


Version 3.2.0 release notes:
Bug fixes

[IN-25] – After accepting project invitation, user temporarily has full rights to project
[IN-279] – New maps page doesn’t work if user has no saved state
[IN-302] – Prevent moving folder into own subfolder
[IN-303] – Ignore invalid characters in Icon Telematics when matching Icon Telematics filenames.
[IN-305] – Mass page bug fixes
[IN-306] – New maps page: unselecting model with features does not remove the features from map
[IN-308] – New maps page – Show on map from Images page does not work


[IN-299] – New maps page in OpenLayers


[IN-7] – Add logpoint filters to main page
[IN-24] – Infrakit tablet – take photo, add ability to select folder
[IN-244] – Add support for Trimble TCC subcontractor machines
[IN-277] – New maps page – Add gray background maps
[IN-283] – New maps page – Show logpoints count in folder
[IN-297] – Draw arrow to show cross section direction
[IN-304] – Allow to open Infrakit in an iframe

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How does the Dutch market look like?

How does the Dutch market look like?

As mentioned before DCS Finland Oy has founded new companies in Norway and in the Netherlands. During the last 2 years we have seen that the market for the Infrakit Cloud in both countries is waiting for this solution.

Fun fact: With 139,000 km of public roads, the Netherlands has one of the most dense road networks in the world – much denser than Germany and France, but still not as dense as Belgium. Dutch roads include at least 3,530 km of motorways and expressways, and with a motorway density of 64 kilometres per 1,000 km², the country also has one of the densest motorway networks in the world. (Source: Wikipedia)

The Dutch market is seeking for more efficiency in road construction projects. The fact that Infrakit offers brand independent solutions for exchanging information with all machine control systems is unique in the market. In Netherlands openness is very important, because companies hire subcontractors for all the work. Sometimes they have some own machines, but most of the times they need to hire many machines and all these subcontractors have different machine control systems. Many of those don’t even have connection to a cloud system and this is a big issue for construction companies. Our customers see immediately the big benefits of being able to share information real time with all participants in the project. These can be project owners, but also designers, foremen, land surveyors, machines, etc.

How can Infrakit respond to this demand?

Infrakit makes it possible to take BIM from the office to the worksite of every project, whether big or small. Infrakit makes it possible to really benefit from 3D designs and to connect as-built data together in real-time with the models. Infrakit makes it possible to follow project progress and makes it easy to adjust capacity to the real needs. Infrakit makes it possible to decrease failures to acceptable levels from the high levels everybody faces – until today.

The industry understands the need to improve work processes and to do that the industry sees that modern technology is the way to go. All other methods give marginal benefits, but an independent cloud solution gives big benefits and make savings in total construction costs up to 20% possible.

All your project data in one cloud platform.

Infrakit makes use of open standards and that is very much in favour of all users. All machine control manufactures do see this need as well and thus all of them have decided to open up to Infrakit to give these benefits to the market. And the market understandably is very happy with this and will benefit hugely in every project. It is a big win-win situation for project owners, construction companies and subcontractors.

Feel free to call us for live demonstration of the possibilities for your organisation!


Kind Regards,

Jan van den Brandt
Infrakit B.V.

T: +31 655735500

Verlengde Maanderweg 100
6713 LL Ede

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PRESS RELEASE: Infrakit subsidiaries founded in Norway and the Netherlands

PRESS RELEASE: Infrakit subsidiaries founded in Norway and the Netherlands

This month, Infrakit subsidiary companies are founded in Norway and Netherlands. The new companies, Infrakit AS and Infrakit BV, are founded to handle Infrakit business in their respective regions. Managing directors are Anders Tiltnes (Infrakit AS, Norway) and Jan van den Brandt (Infrakit BV, Netherlands). Best of luck for both gentlemen in their new roles!

Founding of Infrakit AS (Left: Anders Tiltnes, Managing director Infrakit AS, right: Teemu Kivimäki CEO and Founder DCS Finland Ltd)


Infrakit Cloud is expanding globally. In January 2017 Infrakit (=DCS Finland Ltd) has founded subsidiaries in the Netherlands and Norway. Infrakit’s official reseller network now reaches Japan.

A Finnish start-up Infrakit, a high-technology cloud platform, allows real-time project management and quality assurance for all parties in infrastructure construction projects.

Infrakit users have access to up-to-date project progress information throughout all construction phases, which reduces mistakes and delays considerably.

In Finland, the biggest infra-construction companies and more than a dozen municipalities are using Infrakit on their projects around the country. The company has had various pilot projects and reselling contracts in the Netherlands and Sweden for a couple of years. Norwegian sales were launched in 2016.

In January of 2017 Infrakit founded subsidiaries in the Netherlands and Norway to advance local sales and enable active customer service and support.

The company says to significantly invest in their global reselling network in 2017. In addition to the existing Finnish, Swedish and Dutch resellers they now have an official reseller also in Japan.

Global negotiations are under construction with many other companies in the field of infrastructure and surveying.

For more information:
Infrakit’s International Sales Manager Pasi Joensuu
mobile & email: +358 44 768 4424,


LinkedIn: Infrakit
Twitter: Infrakit

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2016 – What an eventful year for Infrakit

2016 – What an eventful year for Infrakit

Only thinking about last year makes me a little dizzy. We organized so many of our own events and participated into even more! I thought it would be nice to take a trip down the 2016 memory lane by going through some of those events.

Infrakit Day Helsinki

This is the main event for us where we invite our customers; Infrakit super users and beginners, industry influencers, and our partners etc. The main purpose for Infrakit Day is to bring guests from all sectors of infrastructure industry together — project owners, designers, contractors, surveying and GPS equipment manufacturers. And the purpose came through, when at the event our guests were exactly that – a great mix of all.

Participants’ sectors counted from all 3 Infrakit events

What was also very nice, was the wide scale of participants’ roles: everything from CEOs to worksite engineers to head of designers. This was later said to be the thing that differentiated our event from similar ones: people got to talk with everyone – from each sector, role and Infrakit user level. Learning from others was key!

A great turn-out for Helsinki’s Infrakit Day.

And talking about learning, we managed to get some great speakers to tell us all about their cases and problems vs. solutions in the digitalizing industry. Through an after-event survey we received some feedback that the quality of presentations was great, but the program itself became quite heavy as there were so many speakers. Well, we learned from that and booked fewer presentations for the future events to give some room for digesting the information and discussing it with others. Finding the perfect balance is a challenge, but an interesting one!

Infrakit Days in Oulu and Kuopio

Infrakit Day in Oulu

There was a demand for having more of these events, so we made it into a small roadshow! We realize that most of our customers are outside of Helsinki, so we went to them. The positive feedback we got from both cities’ events revolved around interesting and informative topics, and enabling valuable discussion among peers and between all parties. The constructive criticism we got from Oulu was that there wasn’t a presentation from a worksite point of view – foreman for example – and it could be nice to start the event with a round of introductions. In Kuopio our guests told us, Infrakit team, to talk more about our own product and services. Will do for next one!

You can read further blog posts with all event PPT slides from here (only in Finnish): Infrakit-päivä 2016 (Helsinki), Infrakit-päivä Oulussa, Kuopion oma Infrakit-päivä.

CEO Mr. Kivimäki, State Secretary Trifunovic, Ambassador and State Secretary Kern

Serbian Infrakit Day

Our Serbian office held their own event in Belgrade in association with the Embassy of Finland. I heard it was a success for they had 50 people invited and enrolled, but 70 people showed up. What a positive problem! The event programme, speakers, and guests were in line with the Finnish ones. I was happy to hear there was a lot of discussion about the digital infra-industry during and after the event. You can read the English blog post about it here: Belgrade’s Infrakit Day.

Infrakit Reseller Event

As Infrakit is expanding its business globally, resellers come into play. During 2016, and even earlier, we had some interesting talks about how we could work together with companies that – like us – are in the crossroads of the industry, who see that infra-industry is digitalizing fast and who would be happy to be involved in making the digital leap easier for everyone. This in mind we invited the key people in some companies around the world to the deep forests in Finland in October. And we made them run in the pitch black forest with Infrakit as GPS – a fun game we called Infrakit Orienteering Challenge! A nice warm meal and hot sauna was surely awaiting them after finishing the race, so all was good in the end! The event in its main purpose was great. We accomplished to start a reseller journey together with people all the way from Tampere, Finland to the Netherlands and Japan!

Infrakit Day 2017 invitation

Now we have come a full circle as Infrakit Day Helsinki is going to be held again soon, 16th of February! Again around 50 people is expected, and there is some room still left. Be fast and get a seat for you and your colleague from here: Infrakit Day 2017! Event is in Finnish, free of charge, and there is plenty of delicious food served – amongst our wonderful speakers, of course!

EDIT. The event was great, room filled with infra industry’s top people: read the blog post about it (in FIN) here.

Hope to see you in our events in 2017!

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6 principles for infra-collaboration

6 principles for infra-collaboration

The future is exponential
For the first time in human history we live in an exponential world. Moore’s Law, which say that every 1-2 years the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits doubles, creates an exponential development for anything digital. Up until recently humans have lived in a linear world. Linearity is predictable and understandable, and most of our systems are developed around a sort of linear change.

How does this exponential world affect the infrastructure industry?
Well, at least it will not be predictable. Development will happen at a higher pace and new methods will be available that will transform the way we work.

What will be the key to success?
When change happens fast and new methods become available the key thing we can do is collaborate. Having information available in real-time will have a huge impact in how we make decisions. Consider a worst case for example: imagine not visiting the construction site for 1 month and not knowing what has happened there the last 4 weeks? How would you feel?

Having information available in real-time will have a huge impact in how we make decisions.

Real-time view of the project status
Well, then imagine having a real-time view of your site, from anywhere. On your commute home from work you can see that, yes, they did complete that last part. And yes, it has been documented to be proved as planned. That’s a good feeling. Also when errors do occur, having the chance to detect and avoiding them in real time, not 2 weeks later, is a great feeling.

How can we make sure information is available and that communication happens the way it should?
Well, we have proposed the “6 principles for infra-collaboration”. As described below these are the foundation of how you make sure your personnel have access to up-to-date information about your project. And having access to information is the best indicator that your project is on its way to success. Especially in an exponential, unpredictable and fast changing world of infra.

Cloud-connected in open formats – availability for all in real-time

“6 principles for infra-collaboration”
1) Use open file formats
Because if you use proprietary formats for exchanging information there will be a day when someone can not access the info. Also, open formats allow you to use the tools and software you or your sub-contractors prefer.

2) Support different equipment, machines and hardware
So that you are free to use the equipment you like, and for example negotiate on price. This is an important thing for the bottom line of the project.

3) A collaboration tool can not also be a CAD tool
Use different CAD tools, each tackling their own task. You should have the option to solve different tasks with different tools. And if you hire a new member of staff or consultant, they should be able to use the tools they have skills for.

4) Have the same files and information available both on site and in the office
Because having to print or create a copy of the file to bring out to the site is a waste of time.

5) Have information available on all platforms: mobile, tablet, PC/Mac
Because you should be free to choose which computers and mobile devices you want to use.

6) Support information flow between all project phases: designing, construction and as-built documentation + maintenance
Because for each time you change systems you lose a little bit of information.


Read more on the subject: “Infra-construction in 2020

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